P h i l o s o p h y
We aim to play an important role in the tooling and mold industry
as a technical bridge between Japan, China and the world,
and give back the benefits to society,
and the employees who make every effort to achieve corporation aim.
C o m p a n y P r o f i l e
Name of Company
Establishment Date
China Office
USA Sales Representative
Member of Board
Our Banks
Scope of Business
WTM Co., Ltd.
September 25th, 2008
10-11 Minami Sengen-Cho, Nishi-Ku Yokohama, Kanagawa, 220-0074 Japan
Rm309, Block A, Zhihuichuangxin Zhongxin, Qianjin Er Rd, Baoan, Shenzhen, China
1620 Fullerton Ct, STE300, Glendale Hts, IL 60139
President: Houmei So
Executive Managing Director: Haitao Qiu
Mizuho Bank, The Bank of Yokohama
World Trade & Marine Co. Ltd (WTM) is primarily engaged in the manufacturing, export, and maritime transport of precision machined parts.
WTM became an ISO9001:2015 certified company on July 21, 2023,
so we would like to disclose the certificate